5 Effective Tips To Manage Stress At the Time of IVF

Acupuncture, australia

Stress defined either your body is ready to move away from danger or to confront it, similar to the adrenaline response “fight or flight”. Fighting stress means you are breathing faster, the heart rate speeds up and the bodily systems come on high alert. Stress has only a minimum share of benefits under these circumstances.
But the brain continues to send stress hormones and the body is constantly occupied in this emergency mode and then the body is sure to a toll. Now if you are to start with your in vitro fertilization journey, then the ultimate thing that is required is chronic stress.

Traditional Chinese Medicine experts are equally fertility experts who clearly understand the emotional ride a person undergoes and it leads them to take IVF support treatment. Since they know the importance of stress management, that is necessary for ensuring the overall health as well as for optimizing IVF success.
The therapists share five tips for keeping stress under control for effective IVF support treatment for the people of Northern Beaches.

i. Educating Them
Since information is power so more you have information regarding the IVF process, the better it is for you to make better decisions and avoid surprises. The TCM therapists will take all the responsibility to keep you guided by answering all your questions.
The therapists are aware that the beliefs, stories, and goals differ between two different patients, so their approaches to guide you with IVF support treatment is different. So, the therapists encourage the patients to gather information as much as possible regarding IVF since information will provide you with the necessary peace of mind.

ii. Getting Prepared
After gathering information, the next step is to take action with everything you did learn. Once you have the information, you will even know the IVF will also involve difficult decisions regarding what has to be done with embryos and eggs which are not used. These decisions involve some other people you have in your life along with your ethical, moral, and religious beliefs. Before beginning the treatment, think about these issues.
IVF needs both financial commitments and time. So be prepared ahead of time by preparing for treatment and arrange the funds so the financial constraints are no longer an issue while you focus on health and well-being.

iii. Support Yourself
During IVF, make sure someone string is always beside you to take care of when you are feeling cranky, sad or moody, or anxious, undergo hot flushes and headaches. Acupuncture or treatment with traditional Chinese herbs or flower essence will help you in this journey. These are the healing treatments and will arise positivity in you to help you to forgo stress.

iv. Feel Relaxed
Some of the ways through which are helpful for reducing stress while you undergo IVF support treatment. These functional ways are:
• Acupuncture
• Massage
• Healthy Diet
• No alcohol intake
• Talking Therapy
• Doing Light Exercises
• Mediation
• Prayers
• Breathing Exercises
• Yoga

Right as you learn the ways for recognizing the signs causing your stress, which include a racing heart, depression, irritability, depression, and sleeping difficulties, then you can immediately take steps for controlling them.

v. Remain Positive
Positive thinking has a lot of power and it is real. Making a conscious effort to remain optimistic further leads to bringing about improvements in your health and relationships. With Acupuncture sessions, you can develop positivity and deal with stress and help yourself to boost your immunity system.

IVF treatments are successful only when you are positive. Traditional Chinese Medicines, especially Acupuncture are really helpful in fostering a note of positivism, nevertheless, it is equally useful to reduce stress. In the end, you are sure to have a successful IVF treatment.

The Vital Fertility Factors Impacting with Acupuncture for Fertility

Acupuncture, australia

Fertility problem

As a woman when you are to improve your very chances of conceiving and giving birth to a beautiful and healthy baby, it is essential for the embryo to be genetically sound. It is because the embryo comprises half of its chromosomes resulting from the eggs and the other half as a result of the sperms. Complications will be totally out of the question when all the other conditions are successfully met. Sadly, major miscarriages take place because of the embryo has been abnormal or because of aneuploidy.

If you are wondering whether the responsible factor is the egg or the sperm, then you should know that sometimes, both are equally responsible. This condition can even lead you to difficulties to conceive. Many times, our body either recognizes or fails in communicating with the abnormal cell and stops them to be implanted in the first place.

If you are among them, then be fast to consult the Acupuncturists for fertility treatments through traditional Chinese medicines at the registered center in Northside Acupuncture.

Are you aware that 50% of fertility issues are directly related to sperm quality along with male factor issues?

Many people are diagnosed with egg quality and sperm issues each year. When the miscarriages are concerned, then genetic testing makes sure there is a chromosomal problem like the Down’s syndrome or Turner’s syndrome, but these cannot prevent miscarriages from again taking place. Indeed, miscarriages are too much traumatic. In the end, all that matters is you are giving your sperms and eggs an absolute and perfect chance to be successful.

Reasons to suspect egg with added or subtracted sperm quality issues

• Both the partners are concerned about their age
• You are having a low ovarian reserve
• You are forever trying but you cannot conceive or else you had several miscarriages or else chemical pregnancies.
• Either of the partners is having hormone imbalance like thyroid problems, low testosterone, or FSH.
• The male partner might be having endometriosis, chronic PCOS, gynecomastia, or hypothyroidism and the females are undergoing irregular cycle – everything indicates hormonal problems that negatively impact the eggs and sperms.
• Low sperm count, varicocele, morphology, motility, and sperm issues even cause fertility problems.
• Exposure to the environmental toxins, having fever, getting done chemotherapy, and undergoing high-stress coupled with poor diet, smoking, drinking are also the causes of deficiencies in getting pregnant.

Do not keep the infertility issues to yourself. Consult the Acupuncturists who can identify the major issues affecting your fertility – both the partners included. Likewise, they can form comprehensive strategies for improving and supporting your eggs’ qualities as well as the sperm. They even address the underlying hormonal imbalance and the related factors contributing to low eggs and sperm quality.

5 Reasons How A TCM Fertility Specialist Can Treat the Conception Difficulties

Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine

Pregnancy treatment

Traditional Chinese Medicines or TCM have proved as a blessing to the couple undergoing conception difficulties. The experienced and qualified TCM specialists in Northern Beaches treat them accordingly to relive them from stresses so the woman can conceive easily and remain physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy.

If you wonder how effective Traditional Chinese Medicine is for conception difficulties treatment, then make sure to visit an established natural therapy clinic in Northern Beaches and consult the practitioners. In fact, five reasons justify that TCM specialists can successfully help you to conceive.

i. TCM fosters fertility improvement among men and women since it functions on the cycle’s principles and homeostasis, simply like body

Your present sperm or egg reflects your health you had three months ago, hence taking substantial time for preparing both body and mind for conception helps to create a fertile stage for a healthy pregnancy and ultimately healthy birth. The whole body system TCM addresses every aspect of health within a cycle of 90 days through Acupuncture, nutritional counseling and monitoring, Chinese herbal medicines, and more adjunct therapies. The Acupuncturists recommend beginning TCM fertility care at least before two to three months before planning to conceive to receive optimal results. But if you have already started with the process to become pregnant, then it is fine. Acupuncture expertise helps at each point in your conceiving journey.

ii. TCM can understand fertility’s fluidity

You cannot be discouraged if you are not pregnant right at the moment you have tried. Lifestyle caused imbalances results in you falling in the fertility spectrum. Some additional factors causing the imbalances are emotional state, diet, and environment. Age is often upheld as the biological panic source, but it does not indicate you cannot you do not have enough time for starting to prepare your body before concluding at the deepest end of assisted or natural reproduction. Men and women are liable to face fertility challenges when their body systems and energy get blocked and are out of energy. It is when the acupuncturists serve as the fertility team by giving individualized attention and the time needed for identifying the areas which are affecting your fertility. They give proper recommendations so that this delicate balance is restored and your body is prepared for pregnancy.

iii. The Attention Of Your Body Will be Directed Right to Reproductive Organs

Several cases have shown how the reproductive organs suffered starvation from the proper circulation of blood and qi. When the Acupuncturists administer Acupuncture, nutritional counseling and monitoring, and herbs, then your body achieves fertility factors. The fertility factors involve an increase in egg quality, improvement of blood flow to the uterus, the downfall of cysts and polyps, an increase of blood flow for placenta growth, improvement in the uterine lining, and improvement in count, motility, and morphology.

iv. The effect of stress on the body reduces

Especially for the people overworking, they are bound to undergo higher stress levels and scarce sleep. The struggle is a harsh reality and it impacts the impregnating and getting pregnant capabilities. The couple ought to remember that unaddressed, elevated stress plays a huge role in fertility by negatively impacting cortisol levels, ovulation, sperm production, impeding embryo implantations, and testosterone levels. The TCM therapists apply Acupuncture treatments along with Chinese herbs and nutritional advice for significantly reducing stress and improving sleep to prepare the body for conceiving.

v. Through TCM, Fertility Increases Success Rate of IVF and IUI

Assisted Reproductive Therapies air many people to conceive. As IVF is likely to be rigorous, emotionally challenging, expensive, so the Acupuncturists treat to provide the most comprehensive and integrative care. TCM for the whole system increases conception as well as live birth rates. When you want the therapists to help you, then consult a TCM specialist expert for IVF and IUI and further support during, pre, and post-transfer of the embryo.

Several cases have shown how the reproductive organs suffered starvation from the proper circulation of blood and qi. When the Acupuncturists administer Acupuncture, nutritional counseling and monitoring, and herbs, then your body achieves fertility factors. The fertility factors involve an increase in egg quality, improvement of blood flow to the uterus, the downfall of cysts and polyps, an increase of blood flow for placenta growth, improvement in the uterine lining, and improvement in count, motility, and morphology.

What Causes Female Infertility and How to Treat It?

Acupuncture, health


women infertility problem

The female infertility factors actually contribute to about fifty percent of the infertility cases. The causes include blocked fallopian tube, the existence of uterine fibroids, problems with ovulation or uterus, age and many. Infertility is basically a condition, which affects one out of every six couples in Northern Beaches approximately. A couple is diagnosed with a fertility issue when both the partners have been trying to get pregnant for one year but have been unsuccessful in their efforts.

What is female infertility?
When its the female partner who is responsible for the fertility problem, it is called female infertility. The female infertility factors actually contribute to about fifty percent of the infertility cases. It alone accounts to about 1/3rd of all the infertile cases.

What causes a woman to be infertile?
There are many causes of why a woman is unable to get pregnant. The causes include blocked fallopian tube, the existence of uterine fibroids, problems with ovulation, uterus or cervix. Age may even contribute to the cause because as a woman gets older, her capacity of remaining fertile decreases. When a woman ages, her ovaries are not able to release enough eggs. Eggs available are in small quantities and those are not that much healthy as well. Mostly, she is prone to have a miscarriage. Other factors that affect a woman’s fertility are smoking, excessive alcohol use, poor diet, stress, athletic training, being underweight or overweight, STIs and health problems, which cause changes in the hormone.

It is generally said that a woman should try to conceive for one year before calling a doctor. But according to experts, women who are more than 35 years of age should consult doctors just after 6 months. Actually, the chances of conceiving decreases rapidly each year after attaining 30 years of age. A woman must definitely talk to her doctor if she faces health problems like no menstrual periods or irregular periods, endometriosis, painful periods or pelvic inflammatory disease. Women are always advised to consult a doctor before trying to conceive. The doctors can help them get their body ready and answer questions related to fertility and conception.

The problem of fertility in a woman is assessed via a thorough exam. The tests may include one or more of these: blood or urine test, breast, and pelvic exam, HSG, hysteroscopy, ultrasound, a laparoscopy in the abdomen or a sonohystogram.

Infertility treatment
The issue of infertility may be treated with having a small surgery done or taking medicines and hormones or using supplements. Artificial Insemination, ART and acupuncture are also some methods that are used to treat infertility in women. ART and acupuncture may be a time-consuming affair but with these methods, a lot of couples have been able to have their children, which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible.

So, if you are a woman who is facing fertility problems, talk to your doctor first. Also, go for acupuncture to get pregnant faster.

How Acupuncture and TCM Treat all the Stages of Women’s Health?

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womens health care

Both Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM are being used since the historical times in Northern Beaches for supporting the women’s health starting with puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and even beyond.

Why Traditional Chinese Medicines are Trusted?

Chinese herbal medicine

The Chinese Medicines are considered as the ancient practice to treat the female conditions. The primitive gynecological medical texts date back to 1500-1000 BC. Huan Di Nei Jing Su Wen is a famous text dealing with Traditional Chinese Medicine. The book is the Classic of Internal Medicine according to the Yellow Emperor and refers specifically to the physiology and anatomy of a woman. It even gives details on the diagnosis of gynecological and menstruation conditions.
Women’s treatment is complicated due to their complex menstruation cycles.
The Chinese classical medical texts had dealt with their health conditions like painful menstrual, infertility, and menopause symptoms, with specific references to symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment with Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines and Acupuncture.
Hence, the treatment is still prevalent for women’s health in Northern Beaches.

The Unbalanced Hormones Symptoms

Womens hormonal problems

A number of women consider gynecological conditions like mood swings, breast tenderness, bloating, painful periods, and premenstrual syndrome as normal factors in a woman’s life. But in Chinese Medicine, a woman will have normal menstrual without any disturbance when the body is in balance and everything flows smoothly. In traditional terms, it was termed as “heavenly water” and denoted as the celebrating event.

Assistance of Acupuncture

acupuncture treatment

After proper diet and exercise, Acupuncture is fruitful in restoring both the emotional and hormonal balance along with vitality at all stages of life. Acupuncture can do this by exercising its influence over the nervous and hormonal system of the body as well as self – regulating mechanisms. In this way, Acupuncture promotes emotional and physical well-being.

Acupuncture Helps to Regulate the Systems As In –

Menstruation Pain

Menstruation Pain

Several kinds of research have suggested that when women undergo menstruation pain, they turn up to Chinese Herbal Medicine to adjunct to conventional medications. It is believed to be more effective. The Chinese Herbal Medicine is proved as fruitful to bring the rhythm of the body back by rightly treating the main source of the imbalance.


Fertility problem

Acupuncture assists in conception. It increases the blood flow directly to the reproductive organs while balancing the reproductive organs like a follicle-stimulating hormone, progesterone, and estrogen. In Northern Beaches, the fertility clinics recommend Acupuncture treatment to treat the IVF patients so they can reduce their overall stress levels.
Acupuncture helps in increasing the rate of conceiving in women when they undergo IVF. When they take three or more Acupuncture treatments both before and after IVF transfer, they could experience healthier pregnancy conditions.



Traditional Chinese Medicine even helps women who are transitioning through menopause. Acupuncture is convenient to treat the women suffering from symptoms related to menopause, hot flushes, and deterioration in the quality of life at the time of menopause. Chinese herbal medicines are great to reduce menopausal symptoms.

Traditional Chinese Medicines have a holistic approach, hence the treatment is gentle and effective. The practitioners personalize the treatment for better treatment. The women suffering from the following ailments receive comfort and better treatment from Chinese Medicines –
• Menstruation Irregularities – Irregular, painful, absent, scanty, or heavy menstrual cycles.
• Abdominal masses and fibroids
• Endometriosis
• Menopausal symptoms
• Polycystic ovarian syndrome
• Premenstrual syndrome and related hormonal issues

The worth of Chinese Medicine explains its worth of individualizing the treatments based on the patients’ symptoms. In the process, women receive personalized care. But make sure before you take the Acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment, consult the doctors and then the practitioners regarding your health conditions.

Right Times to Have Acupuncture for Fertility

Acupuncture, health

Fertility problems

A woman often seeks help for treating issues related to fertility, when acupuncture is the favorable option that should be considered. As the treatment is still popular in Northern Beaches as the women are still faithful to the treatment, the doctors often suggest they have acupuncture at the right times for the treatment to be effective.

i. At the follicular phase, that is from fifth to the eighth day of the menstrual cycle, based on its extension, having the acupuncture is suggested. It is because, on the first to third days, the women undergo heavy menstrual flow.

ii. The day before and after ovulation as the LH surge indicates

iii. At the time of implantation that is 6 to 10 days post ovulation
The treatment works well when you take once a week, apart from your heavy menstruation days. For the significant matters ongoing, for instance, lining issues, then the acupuncturist advises having the treatment twice a week till it is rightly addressed. Nevertheless, many women take it once a week.

iv. While undergoing the IVF cycle, you should start taking acupuncture six to eight weeks before transfer. Women are normally advised for treating fertility problems in Northern Beaches. They could even have to take twice a week based on the ultrasound reports deem, so, after the women begin their stimulation.

v. Three to four months before conception, acupuncture helps in transfer with egg quality. Even it suits cycle and heals lining irregularities. The nutritional concerns are addressed and stress is reduced. Acupuncture also helps when the women go through IVF, DET or FET.

vi. Beginning at an early stage is best as after starting acupuncture, it is necessary, to begin with, supplementation. The egg matures within four to five months, and starting on a better quality preconception formula before three to six months to conception helps the eggs to grow better and mature with rich nutrients. According to the acupuncturists, when the women supplement their diet with a good amount of vitamins and also antioxidants, then they have typical embryos but with lesser fragmentation.

vii. When the women are going through assisted procedures related to fertility like donor egg transfer, frozen embryo transfer, and in-vitro fertilization, then taking Acupuncture for transfer is the right decision.

The acupuncturists can nourish all the cells in the body through blood flow. The treatment keeps the women in a deeply relaxed state. They have the opportunity to escape from the troubles. The blood flow can even enter the internal organs. Acupuncture is believed to promote hormones regulation and balance. It affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, thus it is a crucial mode in the fertility process.

How Does Acupuncture Help to Boost Fertility

Acupuncture, health

Women's fertility problem

Acupuncture follows the Yin and Yang of Chinese philosophy, whereby the thin needles are placed into certain areas of the body to stimulate the meridians or the energy channels of the body. Needles when placed, work to energize and calm the person. The needles are in fact believed to get rid of back pain and to regulate women’s menstrual cycle. Thus, the treatment is believed to balance the hormones to upgrade a woman’s chances to conceive. That is why; the women residing in Northern Beaches have faith in Acupuncture.

So, when the women face troubles to conceive, they turn to the Acupuncturists for fertility in Northern Beaches. It is believed that the treatment is capable of boosting their fertility by five ways –

i. Regulates the Menstrual Cycle
The Chinese medical philosophy states that conception takes place when the Yin and Yan are in balance and flows correctly, and energizes the body. The body returns to its normal level when the energy channels are stimulated.
Yin phase takes place at the new moon when growth and consolidation dominate the menstrual cycle. During this time, the body gets the eggs to ready the womb for pregnancy. On the other hand, Yan phase is for the body to prepare for action and changes, like ovulation and menstrual cycle.
It is said to be the normal cycle, which varies among women. When they experience prolonged menstrual cycle and undergo excessive bleeding in and during periods, then the reason is the body is not in synchronization with Yin and Yan energies. At such a stage, acupuncture helps to predict the women’s cycle with the bleeding condition lasting between three to five days.

ii. Improves Egg Quality
With the Acupuncture treatment, blood circulation to the ovaries increases bringing about improvement in egg quality. Women for whom the blood tests show elevated Follicle-stimulating hormone or low Anti-Mullerian hormone are categorized into the Chinese Medicine category of Kidney Yin Depletion.
In the follicular phase or the shortened follicular phase, they could undergo unstable temperature readings pertaining to their basal body temperature. Acupuncture and herbal treatments help the body to function at the time of the follicular phase and also for 3 months before conceiving.
iii. Improving In Vitro Fertilisation and Intrauterine Insemination Outcome
Acupuncture works well with the doctor prescribed medicines to stimulate the ovaries. Getting the Acupuncture treatment for once or twice a week helps the body to regain proper response to fertility medications. Often the doctors recommend taking Acupuncture treatment right before and after an In Vitro Fertilization transfer.

iv. Promotes Ovulation
Women diagnosed with poly cystic ovary syndrome are the fertility patients who have to be treated with Acupuncture. The needles are inserted in abdomen points for the women not ovulating. The inserted needles are believed to jump start the menstrual cycle. Acupuncture treatments thus promote ovulation.

v. Preventing Miscarriage
Genetic abnormalities within the embryo cause miscarriages. At this point, before conceiving, acupuncture boosts egg quality. When the women receive acupuncture in early pregnancy, then then the body can support the embryo growing from implantation to placenta establishment, thus maintaining the progesterone levels.

Several studies reveal women could conceive after getting the acupuncture treatment, and also states that the treatment even helped to boost fertility. The justification roots back to the ancient Chinese philosophy where Acupuncture was discovered. As a result, women feel physically and mentally relaxed. Distress is the biggest factor in boosting fertility.