How Acupuncture and TCM Treat all the Stages of Women’s Health?

Acupuncture, health


womens health care

Both Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM are being used since the historical times in Northern Beaches for supporting the women’s health starting with puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and even beyond.

Why Traditional Chinese Medicines are Trusted?

Chinese herbal medicine

The Chinese Medicines are considered as the ancient practice to treat the female conditions. The primitive gynecological medical texts date back to 1500-1000 BC. Huan Di Nei Jing Su Wen is a famous text dealing with Traditional Chinese Medicine. The book is the Classic of Internal Medicine according to the Yellow Emperor and refers specifically to the physiology and anatomy of a woman. It even gives details on the diagnosis of gynecological and menstruation conditions.
Women’s treatment is complicated due to their complex menstruation cycles.
The Chinese classical medical texts had dealt with their health conditions like painful menstrual, infertility, and menopause symptoms, with specific references to symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment with Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines and Acupuncture.
Hence, the treatment is still prevalent for women’s health in Northern Beaches.

The Unbalanced Hormones Symptoms

Womens hormonal problems

A number of women consider gynecological conditions like mood swings, breast tenderness, bloating, painful periods, and premenstrual syndrome as normal factors in a woman’s life. But in Chinese Medicine, a woman will have normal menstrual without any disturbance when the body is in balance and everything flows smoothly. In traditional terms, it was termed as “heavenly water” and denoted as the celebrating event.

Assistance of Acupuncture

acupuncture treatment

After proper diet and exercise, Acupuncture is fruitful in restoring both the emotional and hormonal balance along with vitality at all stages of life. Acupuncture can do this by exercising its influence over the nervous and hormonal system of the body as well as self – regulating mechanisms. In this way, Acupuncture promotes emotional and physical well-being.

Acupuncture Helps to Regulate the Systems As In –

Menstruation Pain

Menstruation Pain

Several kinds of research have suggested that when women undergo menstruation pain, they turn up to Chinese Herbal Medicine to adjunct to conventional medications. It is believed to be more effective. The Chinese Herbal Medicine is proved as fruitful to bring the rhythm of the body back by rightly treating the main source of the imbalance.


Fertility problem

Acupuncture assists in conception. It increases the blood flow directly to the reproductive organs while balancing the reproductive organs like a follicle-stimulating hormone, progesterone, and estrogen. In Northern Beaches, the fertility clinics recommend Acupuncture treatment to treat the IVF patients so they can reduce their overall stress levels.
Acupuncture helps in increasing the rate of conceiving in women when they undergo IVF. When they take three or more Acupuncture treatments both before and after IVF transfer, they could experience healthier pregnancy conditions.



Traditional Chinese Medicine even helps women who are transitioning through menopause. Acupuncture is convenient to treat the women suffering from symptoms related to menopause, hot flushes, and deterioration in the quality of life at the time of menopause. Chinese herbal medicines are great to reduce menopausal symptoms.

Traditional Chinese Medicines have a holistic approach, hence the treatment is gentle and effective. The practitioners personalize the treatment for better treatment. The women suffering from the following ailments receive comfort and better treatment from Chinese Medicines –
• Menstruation Irregularities – Irregular, painful, absent, scanty, or heavy menstrual cycles.
• Abdominal masses and fibroids
• Endometriosis
• Menopausal symptoms
• Polycystic ovarian syndrome
• Premenstrual syndrome and related hormonal issues

The worth of Chinese Medicine explains its worth of individualizing the treatments based on the patients’ symptoms. In the process, women receive personalized care. But make sure before you take the Acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment, consult the doctors and then the practitioners regarding your health conditions.

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