Some Common Matters People Assume About Acupuncture and the Reality

Acupuncture, health


acupuncture treatment

From the clinical point of view, acupuncture is a treatment involving the insertion of thin needles through a body skin at particular points up to a specific depth. Normally, a common assumption regarding the treatment is that the needles hurt because of getting stuck with the needles. Sometimes, people tend to forego acupuncture due to the fear of pain they are experiencing from the acupuncture needles. But in reality, the picture is quite different. They who have taken the Acupuncture needles in Northern Beaches felt only a sensation but no hurt.

Several instances have shown that where the acupuncture needles had been inserted, the recipient felt nothing – this acupuncture treatment is Japanese acupuncture utilizing extra thin needles.

Nevertheless, Acupuncture produces just a kind of sensation only at the needling site. During this moment, when the person feels that the acupuncture point is working, then it is known as de qi in acupuncture lingo. It is a positive effect.

There is yet another way to think about de qi. It is that the acupuncture needle has successfully accessed the needed energetic material for producing a thorough body movement. With the point being activated, a change is initiated.

Acupuncture May Feel Sharp But it Should Not
When an Acupuncturist applies acupuncture at their clinics in Northern Beaches, the patients frequently experience de qi, but de-qi is not at all sharp. As the acupuncture needles are inserted, one might feel a sharpness much beyond a mild mosquito bite level, and they inform the acupuncturist right away. The practitioner will again try the needling the point and just remove the needle in case the area turns sensitive.

Occasionally do the acupuncture needles emit a sharp feeling, but it is not to be worried about. Nonetheless, acupuncture must be a comfortable experience. Several acupuncturists want that their patients must speak about the discomforts they experience while the treatment goes on.

Five Most Common Acupuncture Sensations
Thus, acupuncture feels often like something is sharp or not sharp, then how does it feel like! Normally acupuncture emits the five most common sensations.

i. Heavy
When an acupuncture needle is inserted, it might feel like placing a weight on a particular area. Often thus heavy feeling expands and spreads throughout the body parts. This feeling of heaviness is highly calming apart from being oppressive.

ii. Achy
Along with the heavy feeling, at the needling site, an achy sensation is likely to occur that usually dissipates within a few seconds. But the point will ache occasionally or it might even slight throb throughout the treatment. It is normal but it could also be intense, specifically on the points on hands and feet. The acupuncturists must be told right away if the achy feeling is too strong for the practitioner to make stimulation adjustments.

iii. Electric
Often there is a feeling of being zapped or shocked while needling on certain acupuncture points that is usually a surprising and traveling jolt disappearing quickly. Pericardium 6 is the most common acupuncture point to cause the sensation as the median nerve directly runs beneath it.

iv. Tingly
Sometimes the patients feel like a Christmas tree during the acupuncture treatment. The acupuncture points are liable to cause tingling at the needling skin area and even all over the body. Often it takes place immediately when the needle is inserted, and the Christmas tree analogy holds true when the patient is resting with the needles. The points tingle intermittently just like the twinkling lights.

v. Warm
An extending sensation of warmth even engulfs the body’s skin area around the acupuncture point. It takes place typically after one or two minutes of the needle insertion. The feeling is pleasant, similar to the internal heating pads being applied to the body.

While taking the acupuncture sessions, you might feel something different from these mentioned five sensations or you might have no feeling at all. Feeling nothing at all is also normal. But in major cases, these five mentioned sensations are highly common.

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