Chronic Heel Pain: Major Causes & Treatment Procedure


Heel pain is a common type of foot problem that is faced by many people in Perth. The pain can either be severe or mild. It occurs just behind or under the heel. Heel pain can be caused by many reasons. The pain mainly starts gradually. Chronic heel pain or foot pain is mainly triggered by wearing a tight or flat shoe. To reduce this pain, consulting with a good podiatrist is necessary. In this blog, we will discuss the main causes and treatment procedure of foot pain.

Main Causes Of Heel Pain 

According to research & medical studies, there are several causes of heel pain. Here are the main causes of heel pain given below. They include:

  1. Achilles tendon rupture
  2. A plantar fascia tear
  3. Baxter’s nerve entrapment
  4. Calcaneal stress fracture
  5. Calcaneal cysts
  6. Soft tissue mass
  7. Short flexor tendon tear
  8. Systemic arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus & psoriatic arthritis
  9. Bone bruise
  10. Circulation problems
  11. Poor walking & running posture
  12. A bone cyst (Solitary fluid-filled cyst)

Another cause of chronic heel pain is gout. It occurs when the uric acid level in blood is increased. Gout may cause severe pain as well as inflammation. Neuroma or Morton’s neuroma is another cause of severe heel pain. It mainly occurs between the second & third toes. Last but not the least, osteomyelitis is a common type of heel pain faced by many people. This is a bone marrow infection that leads to bone inflammation.

Side Foot Pain

Lateral heel pain mainly affects the outside area of your foot or heel. Whereas medical foot pain may affect the inside edge. They are mainly caused by:

  1. A stress fracture
  2. A sprain
  3. Cuboid syndrome (Dislocated arthritis)
  4. Peroneal tendonitis (When repeated tension starts irritating the tendon)
  5. Tarsal coalition (A congenital foot problem)
  6. Bunions & corns
  7. Posterior tibial tendonitis (Due to stress & overuse)

How To Treat?

There are several ways to treat chronic heel pain or foot pain. However, professional podiatrists suggest taking low level laser therapy for treating severe heel pain. Low level laser therapy does not only prevent inflammation but it also promotes cell metabolism. Here are common types of heel & foot conditions treated by the low level laser therapy:

  1. Osteoarthritis joints
  2. Join conditions like synovitis
  3. Tendinopathy or tendinitis
  4. Soft tissue injuries such as ankle sprain & muscle strain

According to the foot specialists & podiatrist, major causes of heel or foot pain are generally mechanical. These are generally related to injury, strain or bone structure issues. To remove chronic foot pain, low level laser therapy is highly recommended.

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