3 Major Types Of Pain You Should Know

australia, health, Medicine

The pain sensation mainly involves communication between our spinal cord, brain & nerve. Pain can either be severe or mild. It generally depends on the underlying causes. However, proper treatment & medication can help to reduce pain. In this blog, we are talking about 3 major types of pain that you may face.


Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can last for more than 6 to 7 months. This pain may last after healing the original injury. Chronic pain can either be severe or mild. Chronic pain is common. If you take proper action, chronic pain may start to impact your life. As a result, people with this chronic pain may face depression & anxiety. Common symptoms of chronic pain may include:

  • Lack of energy
  • Tense muscles
  • Limited mobility

According to medical experts in Perth, major examples of chronic pain are frequent headache, lower back pain, foot pain, arthritis pain, nerve damage pain, fibromyalgia pain, etc. To get relief from pain, proper treatment is required. If the pain is associated with your foot, you should opt for proper foot pain treatment after consulting with your podiatrist.

Acute Pain 

Acute pain is a short term pain faced by many people in Perth. This type of pain generally comes due to some specific reasons and it may last less than 6 to 7 months, according to the specialists. General causes of this acute pain may include:

  • Broken or cracked bones
  • Dental work
  • Surgery
  • Burns
  • Cuts
  • Childbirth
  • Bone injury

To get relief from this pain, proper treatment is necessary. The pain specialist will suggest some proper medications or surgery.

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain mainly occurs due to the nervous system dysfunctionality & sudden nerve damage. Neuropathic pain can be very critical. It can either be severe or mild. Common symptoms of neuropathic pain are burning, numbness, freezing, stabbing, shooting, tingling, etc. Diabetes is another major cause of neuropathic pain. According to medical professionals, other sources of central nervous system dysfunctionality are

  • Accidents
  • Severe infections
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Facial nerve disorder like Bell’s palsy
  • Shingles
  • Spinal nerve compression or inflammation
  • Parkinson’s diseases
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • HIV

Generally, the central nervous system dysfunctionality is the main source of chronic neuropathic pain. As we mentioned above, neuropathic pain is dangerous. So, if you are suffering from this pain, consult with your nearest pain specialist in Perth as early as possible.

Pain is a personal experience varying from one person to another. Professional pain expert or doctor will give you permanent relief from pain. So, it’s better to consult with him & her as soon as possible.

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